How to Eliminate Your Doubts and Why You Should

Doubt has been an area of struggle for me, so I understand this subject well. What about you, friend? Do you doubt, question, and find yourself being indecisive too? 

Think about what you’re doubting now and put that front and center as we dive into today’s show. It’s time to be an Overcomer in Christ.‌ I have a life-changing word for you today. Overcoming what I’m going to share today has helped me succeed at goals I never thought I could, I’m talking about doubt!

Doubt to Defeat

Did you know the devil uses your doubt to defeat you?

Let me jump in with the Word. Get out your Bible or write these scriptures down because they are exactly what you need to know when you doubt, question, or feel confused.

James 1:5-8, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and...

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How Jesus and Fitness Saved My Life with Chi Braley

 Jesus can heal your past

If you have a painful past or feel alone in your pain and need to know that Jesus can help you through it, this episode will give you a fresh hope and a renewed inspiration. I thought my guest, Chi Braley, and I were sitting down to talk about how fitness saved her life, but she shocked me when she started to share about the painful things Jesus helped her overcome in her past. 

Chi is the voice we need in this world for Jesus, because of Him, she is unashamed of her past and living in freedom.

Do you want to experience the healing power of God too?

In this episode, you’ll hear Chi’s story.

  1. She was raped and sex trafficked
  2. She found the ability to love and trust again
  3. She lost the baby she prayed for
  4. How she is dealing with a mystery diagnosis that almost killed her
  5. How fitness saved her life

I highly recommend watching or listening to this interview because a blog can’t capture the depth of this conversation. Hear...

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Get Rid of These 5 Fitness Success Stealers

In this episode, you’ll gain a clear understanding of how to get rid of the top 5 Fitness Success Stealers. You’ll learn 5 steps that will help you move from the struggle to success and a challenge that will empower you.

I have a word for you in this message that could create a breakthrough right where you are struggling! In fact, I have complete faith that it will!

Prefer videos? Watch this episode.


You are not alone if you struggle 

I posted this question in my fit sister in Christ group,” What do you know you need to get rid of that is blocking your fitness goals?

 The answers were honest, and I bet there are some you can relate to; 

  • Self-sabotage
  • Stress
  • Sneaking food
  • Sugar, empty calories
  • Self-esteem

 And here’s a comment from that post that is worth highlighting because the enemy attacks us by trying to look like we used to.

“My preconceived ideas of what “fit” must look like. I’ve had to learn that...

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When My Brother Died, God said, NO! Hear His Story for God’s Glory

God uses the darkest moments to show us He will never leave us. 

Today, I'm sharing a very emotional and personal story because it could save your life or a family member's life. I will never forget the phone call I received on December 4th, 2022. I heard these words," Your brother had a heart attack, and it doesn’t look good!" There was so much unknown and confusion. My first thought was, how? Tommy is extremely fit! My family was in utter shock. 

At 42 years old Tommy Dolan suffered a heart attack and died.
This is the story of how he went from death to life. If you are going through a health crisis or if someone you love is, and you need faith that God can do the impossible, Tommy and Danielle Dolan will build your faith to a new level. God has a word for you in this message that could transform your life and maybe even save it.

Tommy and his wife Danielle open up about what happened on December, 4th, 2022, what saved his life, what we need to do...

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Rejecting Perfection Pressure! How to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself with Ashley Key

On today’s new Strong. Confident. His. podcast, Ashley Key and I have a heart-to-heart about how to Reject Perfection Pressure and How to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself.

You might know my guest, Ashley Key, she’s the Host of the 700 Club. Because she’s on TV, I thought she would be the perfect person to help us untangle the pressure we put on ourselves to look a certain way. From how to deal with social media comparison to cellulite, to centering our focus on Jesus, you’re going to love Ashley’s humor, message, and practical tips.

I’ve been in a series about body image and how the enemy uses our body image to make us feel less than, and how we don't have to listen! 

This interview is too good to just write about, you need to watch or listen to get all of the amazing insight Ashley shared!

Watch the live taping below.

God led me to discuss body image issues, chronic dieting, feeling unsatisfied in our bodies, and how it affects women...

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How to Heal from Body Dysmorphic Disorder God’s Way with Wendie Pett

Today, my guest Wendie Pett and I will tackle the issue of BDD, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and body image issues. In this episode, you will learn how to find healing and hope for body image issues and Body Dysmorphic Disorder. You will gain an understanding of what Body Dysmorphic Disorder is, what causes it, what the Bible says about it, and how God can heal you.

It’s time to stop seeing yourself through your trauma, the lies of your past, the things people have said and done to you, and it’s time to start letting how God sees you reign, Daughter of the King!

I know this will encourage you to have a healthy, godly body image, strengthen and free you.

Prefer videos? Watch the Live taping below

First, let's understand the basics of this topic

Spokane Christian Counseling defines Body Dysmorphic Disorder as "much more intense than simply disliking one's body features. It is a severe preoccupation in some aspect of one's appearance, thinking about it for hours or days...

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Unhealthy Friendships, Boundaries, And Knowing When It’s Time To Say Goodbye

Are your friendships healthy? Do you know what the Bible says about friendships and boundaries and when it’s time to say goodbye?‌

Today I’m going to share what the Bible says about healthy friendships, share what isn’t healthy, and a very personal story of breakthrough!

I had an experience, and then I heard a message that confirmed it, and then my mom and I were talking about it and I got a double confirmation, and I just need to know if anyone else has felt this way.

‌We aren’t wasting any time today, so let’s dive in! 

Above All Else, Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” 

These words of wisdom from King Solomon Emphasize the importance of protecting our innermost being. Our heart is the source of our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and actions. Therefore, it is crucial to guard our hearts above all else.

Open the Bibles shares, “The Lord...

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How God’s Unwavering Love Guides and Sustains Us with Shannon Bream

FOX News Sunday's, Shannon Bream, joins us today to share about God’s love for us and how it has led her and sustained her. You don’t want to miss the advice she has for those of us with big goals. Shannon is the author of the number one New York Times bestsellers The Women of the Bible Speak and The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, the anchor of FOX News Sunday, and FOX News Channel’s chief legal correspondent.

Shannon and I sit down to have a very real talk about her heart behind her new book, the struggles of reaching your goals, and a message that will help you know God’s love for you. We are so grateful you are joining us.

Shannon talks about God’s love for us and why she wrote her new book, Love Stories of the Bible Speak

She draws lessons from the good, the bad, and the ugly of Biblical romances, friendships, and families. She shows how God’s love is often very different from ours, turning upside down our assumptions about...

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How to Take Authority Over the Top 3 Issues that Come Against Your Fitness Success

Let’s just dive right in today and talk about why Christian women get stuck and can't succeed at their fitness goals and find worth. I want you to know about them so you can spot them, overcome them, and when they come up against you, you have a battle plan to win!

Here are three things that will come against you as a Christian trying to get fit, so let's hit them head-on, deal?

‌1. Confusion about Fitness being vain will come against you as a Christian woman trying to get fit.

‌Confusion causes legalistic religious attitudes about self-care and dismisses any focus on your health and fitness as vanity. To address the vanity issue head-on, let's look at the Biblical definition of vanity. The key word in Ecclesiastes is vanity," the futile emptiness of trying to be happy apart from God." The preacher, traditionally taken to be Solomon-the wisest, richest, most influential king in Israel's history, looks at life under the sun and, from the human perspective, declares...

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How to Have Bold Faith That Takes Action

I know God has a word for you in this message that could transform your life. If you want a bolder, stronger, more confident faith, this message will help you through personal stories, scripture, examples of women in the Bible, action steps, and so much more!

I want to share a story on why this message means so much to me; I believe that there is someone else who will totally get it - let me know if that person is you.

The Biblical definition of faith is found in Hebrews 11:1 – "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see".

I'm the kind of woman who would prefer all the steps, like here's the download from God on how to get what you want. Without faith, though, I'm saying that I don't trust you, God, and that's not good. Looking back, there are times when I did not have the faith in Him that I have now. But I believed, prayed, asked, sought, knocked, and had faith that if I looked at God and believed without seeing, He would give me His...

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